React JS Day 3

  • Most common versions of React
    <16 React Legacy
    React 17x, 18x
  • Current Active react version is 18x.
  • for developers using versions up to 16. for developers using version 17x, 18x.

Setup Environment for React:

  1. Download and Install NodeJS on your PC => 20.11x LTS
    • We are install Node JS for a package manager called NPM.
    • You can also use package managers like
      nuget etc..
    • Package manager is a tool used by developer to install, update or unistall any
      library in project.
    • After installing check the version from command prompt C:> node -v 16+
      C:> npm -v 8+
  2. Download and Install Visual Studio Code Editor
    • Editor provides IDE [ Integrated Development Environment ]
    • IDE allows to build, debug, test & deploy.

Using React in Existing Web Application:

  1. Create a new Physical path for your project F:\web-app
  2. Open Physical path in your VS Code editor and setup web application environment. > npm init -y => generates "package.json" > add new file "README.MD" => Help documentation > add folders a) public => for static resources. html, images, docs, video, audio, pdf.. b) src => for dynamic resources. css, scss, less, js, jsx, ts, tsx ..
  3. Create a startup page public / index.html public/ home.html => for react
  4. Install “Live Server” extention for VS code to run your project on a local server.
  5. Start your project index page on local server
  6. Add React environment for “home.html” page a) It is a container to display react components in page.
  7. Include the libraries required for React in page
    a) React Core
    b) React Virtual DOM
    c) Babel
  • Core library configure React library services.
  • Virtual DOM library is use to create a virtual DOM and synchronize with actual DOM.
  • Babel is a complier used for Javascript apps.

FAQ: How to get the libraries?
a) Get from CDN
b) Install using NPM

Note: React 18 disabled CDN integration into application.
You can get react CDN only for 16x version from Legacy community.

Setup CDN Links:

  1. Visit
  2. Go to “Docs”
  3. CDN Links
  4. Copy “Development” CDN links
  1. Visit
  2. Copy babel/standalone CDN [integration packages]
  3. React will not use Javascript, it used JavaScript Extention library [JSX]. Hence you have to embed a script with MIME type as “text/babel” or “text/jsx”.

Syntax: <script type=”text/babel”>


8. Your script have to create Virtual DOM and render component into DOM.

	ReactDOM.render("component", document.getElementById("root"));

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Edit Template
  • Most common versions of React
    <16 React Legacy
    React 17x, 18x
  • Current Active react version is 18x.
  • for developers using versions up to 16. for developers using version 17x, 18x.

Setup Environment for React:

  1. Download and Install NodeJS on your PC => 20.11x LTS
    • We are install Node JS for a package manager called NPM.
    • You can also use package managers like
      nuget etc..
    • Package manager is a tool used by developer to install, update or unistall any
      library in project.
    • After installing check the version from command prompt C:> node -v 16+
      C:> npm -v 8+
  2. Download and Install Visual Studio Code Editor
    • Editor provides IDE [ Integrated Development Environment ]
    • IDE allows to build, debug, test & deploy.

Using React in Existing Web Application:

  1. Create a new Physical path for your project F:\web-app
  2. Open Physical path in your VS Code editor and setup web application environment. > npm init -y => generates "package.json" > add new file "README.MD" => Help documentation > add folders a) public => for static resources. html, images, docs, video, audio, pdf.. b) src => for dynamic resources. css, scss, less, js, jsx, ts, tsx ..
  3. Create a startup page public / index.html public/ home.html => for react
  4. Install “Live Server” extention for VS code to run your project on a local server.
  5. Start your project index page on local server
  6. Add React environment for “home.html” page a) It is a container to display react components in page.
  7. Include the libraries required for React in page
    a) React Core
    b) React Virtual DOM
    c) Babel
  • Core library configure React library services.
  • Virtual DOM library is use to create a virtual DOM and synchronize with actual DOM.
  • Babel is a complier used for Javascript apps.

FAQ: How to get the libraries?
a) Get from CDN
b) Install using NPM

Note: React 18 disabled CDN integration into application.
You can get react CDN only for 16x version from Legacy community.

Setup CDN Links:

  1. Visit
  2. Go to “Docs”
  3. CDN Links
  4. Copy “Development” CDN links
  1. Visit
  2. Copy babel/standalone CDN [integration packages]
  3. React will not use Javascript, it used JavaScript Extention library [JSX]. Hence you have to embed a script with MIME type as “text/babel” or “text/jsx”.

Syntax: <script type=”text/babel”>


8. Your script have to create Virtual DOM and render component into DOM.

	ReactDOM.render("component", document.getElementById("root"));

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