React JS Day 1

  1. What is React ?
  • React is a JavaScript library for building UI.
  • Library is a set of pre-defined functions.
  • It is easy and fast to build application UI.
  • It is a library for Web & Native user interface. Web : Web Application Native : Mobile Application [Android, iOS, Windows]
  1. Is there any difference between React & React JS?
  • No. Both refer to same library
  • However “Angular JS” is different from “Angular”.
  1. What is difference between React & Angular?
  • React is a library
  • Angular is a Framework
  • Library is used to build application UI. But you can’t control the application flow with library, you need additional support of frameworks.
  • Framework is a set of libraries, which can build application UI and control the application flow. Angular React 30% Backend & More Frontend 70% Backend & 30% of
    manipulations & interactions. front end with interactive UI.
  1. Why we need React & Angular?
  2. What are the challenges in modern web development?
  • Modern web is used mostly over smart devices like mobiles, tabs, smart watch etc.
  • The challenge for modern web is to achive a) Unified UX
    – Application should not optimize.
    – It must have same experince across all devices.
    – A mobile user must get access to everthing.
    – A unified experince for user across any device. b) Fluid UX
    – User stays on one page and can get access to everything on to page.
    – New details are added to page without reloading the page. c) Loosely Coupled & Extensible
    – It is an architecture, where new features are added into application
    without any catastrophic failures.
    – It will be easy to extend application with new features. d) Smplified Deployment
    – Application is ready to use after installing.
    – You don’t need to restart the device.
  1. What is solution?
  • Better to build SPA [Single Page Application]
  1. How to build SPA?
  • JavaScript & jQuery

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  1. What is React ?
  • React is a JavaScript library for building UI.
  • Library is a set of pre-defined functions.
  • It is easy and fast to build application UI.
  • It is a library for Web & Native user interface. Web : Web Application Native : Mobile Application [Android, iOS, Windows]
  1. Is there any difference between React & React JS?
  • No. Both refer to same library
  • However “Angular JS” is different from “Angular”.
  1. What is difference between React & Angular?
  • React is a library
  • Angular is a Framework
  • Library is used to build application UI. But you can’t control the application flow with library, you need additional support of frameworks.
  • Framework is a set of libraries, which can build application UI and control the application flow. Angular React 30% Backend & More Frontend 70% Backend & 30% of
    manipulations & interactions. front end with interactive UI.
  1. Why we need React & Angular?
  2. What are the challenges in modern web development?
  • Modern web is used mostly over smart devices like mobiles, tabs, smart watch etc.
  • The challenge for modern web is to achive a) Unified UX
    – Application should not optimize.
    – It must have same experince across all devices.
    – A mobile user must get access to everthing.
    – A unified experince for user across any device. b) Fluid UX
    – User stays on one page and can get access to everything on to page.
    – New details are added to page without reloading the page. c) Loosely Coupled & Extensible
    – It is an architecture, where new features are added into application
    without any catastrophic failures.
    – It will be easy to extend application with new features. d) Smplified Deployment
    – Application is ready to use after installing.
    – You don’t need to restart the device.
  1. What is solution?
  • Better to build SPA [Single Page Application]
  1. How to build SPA?
  • JavaScript & jQuery

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