How to Spend Ramadan-ul-Mubarak | Ramzan Mubarak | Day 1

In reality, the month of Ramadan provides spiritual training which familiarises a person with all the good qualities that are the foundations and roots of goodness and piety. The fact is that the aim of Fasting being made compulsory is to provide water to the plant and garden of piety. Allah Taala states,

Fasting was compulsory on the Nations of all Prophets even before the Nation of Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم because Fasting is essential for spiritual and moral training.
The religions which advocate and teach a monastic way of life, meaning to forsake the world and all pleasures, orders its followers to lead a life of celibacy and break all ties with the world in order to achieve spirituality. However, celibacy is the ‘death of humanity’ in one aspect, whereas Islam is the religion of life, and is the religion for all of mankind. If everybody became celibate then the caravan of life would not be able to move forward and that is why it has been stated that “there is no celibacy in Islam.”
The month of Ramadhan ul Mubarak was granted for the evolution of spirituality so that by Fasting in this month, Muslims could achieve a higher level of spirituality than those who remain celibate all their lives. This is the reason that the Holy Qur’an states that the Night of Power (Shab e Qadr) is better than a thousand months. Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم has stated that the beginning of this month is mercy, its middle is forgiveness, and its end is freedom from Hell. There is a natural logic in having mercy, forgiveness and freedom from Hell in that specific order.

Ramadhan ul Mubarak and Recitation of the Holy Quran:

The month of Ramadhan has a close relationship with recitation of the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an was revealed in the month of Ramadhan, as mentioned by Allah Taala, شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنزِلَ فِيْهِ الْقُرْآنُ
The month of Ramadhan in which the Qur’an was sent down.
In this manner, Ramadhan is the month of the the anniversary of the revelation of the Qur’an. Compared to other months, Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلمhimself would recite the Holy Qur’an more in Ramadhan and Hazrat Jibra’eel ‘Alaihis Salaam would recite the Qur’an to Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه والسلم and would also listen to Rasool
Allah صلى الله عليه وسلمreciting the Qur’an.

There is no system or way of life which tells and reminds its followers of how to live their lives every year however, through the Night Prayers (Taraweeh), Muslims not only listen to, but also recite the Holy Quran year after year. If only Muslims would realise what they were reciting and acted upon it. then the face of Islam would be much different today:

Woh Mu’azzaz They Zamaaney Mey Musalmaan Ho Kar Aur Ham Khwaar Huwey Taarikey Qur’an Ho Kar (Respected Were They By The World For Being Muslims True Disgraced Became We By Relinquishing The Quran)

In the month of Ramadhan, Satan is imprisoned so that he cannot lead Muslims astray and so that Muslims can complete their spiritual guidance and training without the interference of Satan. You will have seen that when someone is being trained, the trainer takes great care and precaution in training his students and he removes all obstacles and distractions when training. Once the training is complete the care and precautions are lifted, and the true test and examination of the training that was received is once the care and precautions have been removed. After the month of Ramadhan is over, Satan is released. If a person has Fasted with faith and conviction, and also kept his hands, feet, eyes, tongue etc. with Fast (i.e. kept them from unlawful things), then even after Ramadhan has passed, he remains somewhat steadfast in following the rules of Ramadhan. However, if the training is deficient then he returns to his previous life after the month of Ramadhan has passed, which is an indication that his Fasts were not accepted. Supplications should be made for such people that Allah Taala grants them one such Ramadhan before they die in which their Fasts are accepted, all their sins are forgiven and they become deserving of Paradise.

Ramadhan Instils Great Spiritual and Moral Characteristics:

  1. Fear of Allah Taala remains in the heart of one who is Fasting all the time. That is why he does not even do anything against the Commands of Allah Taala in private.
  2. The qualities of patience and endurance, as well as controlling the desires are instilled in a Fasting person. In response to abuse and challenges, he simply states that ‘I am Fasting’ and moves on.
  3. A Fasting person becomes much more disciplined. He becomes punctual in staying up at night and worshipping, becomes punctual in Tahajjud and voluntary prayers, and becomes punctual in performing his Namaz with the congregation (Jamaat).
  4. The ability to evaluate and assess things is instilled in a Fasting person, and he becomes recognized by the quality of ‘Evaluate and assess your deeds yourself before you are called and assess to account for them.
  5. “Fasts are a Shield” – As per this Hadith, he prepares himself to take on Satan and receives a shield from the Almighty which helps to keep him safe from the attacks of Satan.
  6. The doors of Paradise are opened for him, the doors of Hell are closed, and Satan is imprisoned.
  7. The blessings of Ramadhan grant him double the happiness – one when he opens his Fast, and the second when he meets his Lord.
  8. In this month, a Fasting person’s voluntary worship is equivalent to compulsory worship, and compulsory worship is the equivalent of 70 compulsory worships.
  9. A Fasting person’s heart becomes tender and shines with beautiful manners and ethics. A sense of generosity in instilled in him and he partakes in more good deeds compared to other days.
  10. He obtains the blessings of Sehri and Iftaari.
  11. He becomes deserving of the intercession of Fasts and the Holy Qur’an.
  12. He receives the beneficence of the Night of Power.
  13. A Fasting person prepares himself for voluntary Fasts even after the month of Ramadhan.
  14. A Fasting person is blessed with good health.

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In reality, the month of Ramadan provides spiritual training which familiarises a person with all the good qualities that are the foundations and roots of goodness and piety. The fact is that the aim of Fasting being made compulsory is to provide water to the plant and garden of piety. Allah Taala states,

Fasting was compulsory on the Nations of all Prophets even before the Nation of Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم because Fasting is essential for spiritual and moral training.
The religions which advocate and teach a monastic way of life, meaning to forsake the world and all pleasures, orders its followers to lead a life of celibacy and break all ties with the world in order to achieve spirituality. However, celibacy is the ‘death of humanity’ in one aspect, whereas Islam is the religion of life, and is the religion for all of mankind. If everybody became celibate then the caravan of life would not be able to move forward and that is why it has been stated that “there is no celibacy in Islam.”
The month of Ramadhan ul Mubarak was granted for the evolution of spirituality so that by Fasting in this month, Muslims could achieve a higher level of spirituality than those who remain celibate all their lives. This is the reason that the Holy Qur’an states that the Night of Power (Shab e Qadr) is better than a thousand months. Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم has stated that the beginning of this month is mercy, its middle is forgiveness, and its end is freedom from Hell. There is a natural logic in having mercy, forgiveness and freedom from Hell in that specific order.

Ramadhan ul Mubarak and Recitation of the Holy Quran:

The month of Ramadhan has a close relationship with recitation of the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an was revealed in the month of Ramadhan, as mentioned by Allah Taala, شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنزِلَ فِيْهِ الْقُرْآنُ
The month of Ramadhan in which the Qur’an was sent down.
In this manner, Ramadhan is the month of the the anniversary of the revelation of the Qur’an. Compared to other months, Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلمhimself would recite the Holy Qur’an more in Ramadhan and Hazrat Jibra’eel ‘Alaihis Salaam would recite the Qur’an to Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه والسلم and would also listen to Rasool
Allah صلى الله عليه وسلمreciting the Qur’an.

There is no system or way of life which tells and reminds its followers of how to live their lives every year however, through the Night Prayers (Taraweeh), Muslims not only listen to, but also recite the Holy Quran year after year. If only Muslims would realise what they were reciting and acted upon it. then the face of Islam would be much different today:

Woh Mu’azzaz They Zamaaney Mey Musalmaan Ho Kar Aur Ham Khwaar Huwey Taarikey Qur’an Ho Kar (Respected Were They By The World For Being Muslims True Disgraced Became We By Relinquishing The Quran)

In the month of Ramadhan, Satan is imprisoned so that he cannot lead Muslims astray and so that Muslims can complete their spiritual guidance and training without the interference of Satan. You will have seen that when someone is being trained, the trainer takes great care and precaution in training his students and he removes all obstacles and distractions when training. Once the training is complete the care and precautions are lifted, and the true test and examination of the training that was received is once the care and precautions have been removed. After the month of Ramadhan is over, Satan is released. If a person has Fasted with faith and conviction, and also kept his hands, feet, eyes, tongue etc. with Fast (i.e. kept them from unlawful things), then even after Ramadhan has passed, he remains somewhat steadfast in following the rules of Ramadhan. However, if the training is deficient then he returns to his previous life after the month of Ramadhan has passed, which is an indication that his Fasts were not accepted. Supplications should be made for such people that Allah Taala grants them one such Ramadhan before they die in which their Fasts are accepted, all their sins are forgiven and they become deserving of Paradise.

Ramadhan Instils Great Spiritual and Moral Characteristics:

  1. Fear of Allah Taala remains in the heart of one who is Fasting all the time. That is why he does not even do anything against the Commands of Allah Taala in private.
  2. The qualities of patience and endurance, as well as controlling the desires are instilled in a Fasting person. In response to abuse and challenges, he simply states that ‘I am Fasting’ and moves on.
  3. A Fasting person becomes much more disciplined. He becomes punctual in staying up at night and worshipping, becomes punctual in Tahajjud and voluntary prayers, and becomes punctual in performing his Namaz with the congregation (Jamaat).
  4. The ability to evaluate and assess things is instilled in a Fasting person, and he becomes recognized by the quality of ‘Evaluate and assess your deeds yourself before you are called and assess to account for them.
  5. “Fasts are a Shield” – As per this Hadith, he prepares himself to take on Satan and receives a shield from the Almighty which helps to keep him safe from the attacks of Satan.
  6. The doors of Paradise are opened for him, the doors of Hell are closed, and Satan is imprisoned.
  7. The blessings of Ramadhan grant him double the happiness – one when he opens his Fast, and the second when he meets his Lord.
  8. In this month, a Fasting person’s voluntary worship is equivalent to compulsory worship, and compulsory worship is the equivalent of 70 compulsory worships.
  9. A Fasting person’s heart becomes tender and shines with beautiful manners and ethics. A sense of generosity in instilled in him and he partakes in more good deeds compared to other days.
  10. He obtains the blessings of Sehri and Iftaari.
  11. He becomes deserving of the intercession of Fasts and the Holy Qur’an.
  12. He receives the beneficence of the Night of Power.
  13. A Fasting person prepares himself for voluntary Fasts even after the month of Ramadhan.
  14. A Fasting person is blessed with good health.

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