How to Spend Ramadan-ul-Mubarak |Mahe Ramzan kaise Guzare| Ramzan Mubarak | Day 2

My Beloved Prophet’s صلى الله عليه وسلم beloved followers! It is my good fortune that I am today attempting to write a few words about the month of Ramadan, which is one of the greatest Favours that we have received from Allah Taala, so that we can benefit and become wealthy with the blessings of this exalted month, and when we are asked about this Favour on the Day of Judgement, we can be deserving of the intercession of the Fasts of this blessed month.
Let us begin by attempting to understand the name and meaning of the month of Ramadan so that we can become aware of the aims of this blessed month.

Reason for the Name Ramadan / Ramzan

‘Ramadan’ is from the root ‘Ramadan’, which means ‘to burn’. Commentators have stated some reasons for this month being given the name ‘Ramadan’:

  1. It is called ‘Ramadan’ because, as a result of hunger and thirst in this month, the body becomes weak and burns.
  2. Fasting burns and destroys sins.
  3. When it was time for this month to be named, it was extremely hot and that is why it was called ‘Ramadan’, just as when it was time for the months of Rabi ul Awwal and Rabi uth Thaani to be named, it was spring time.
  4. ‘Ramadan’ is one of the names of Allah Ta’ala and therefore, it should not simply be called ‘Ramadan’, but the word ‘month’ should be added before it (Shehr e Ramadan) – meaning ‘Allah Ta’ala’s month’, just as it is reported: “Do not say Ramadan has come and Ramadan has departed, rather say that the month of Ramadan has arrived, the month of Ramadan has departed.”

Excellence of Ramadan Over Other Months:

The excellence of the month of Ramadan over other months is on the basis of a number of points:

  • It is stated in the Holy Qur’an that there are 12 months in a year, and it is also stated that four of these months are holy months. However, only the month of Ramadan is specifically mentioned by name in the Holy Qur’an, no other month is mentioned by its name. Allah Taala states, “The month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an was sent down…” (Surah Baqarah, Verse 185)
  • The Holy Qur’an was revealed in the blessed month of Ramadan, as the aforementioned verse states.
  • The Night of Power (Shab e Qadr) is in this month; worship in this night is better than the worship of 1000 months.
  • In other months, there are specific times stipulated for worship, but in this month, every second of every day is considered worship for those who are Fasting.
  • The rewards for good deeds are multiplied from 10 to 700 times more in this month.
  • Voluntary worships (Nafl) are rewarded like compulsory (Fardh) worships, and compulsory worships are rewarded the same as 70 compulsory worships.
  • Allah Ta’ala pays special attention towards His slaves in this month.
  • The doors of Paradise are opened in this month.
  • The doors of Hell are closed.
  • The doors of the Heavens are opened and the supplications of the slaves are easily able to reach the door of Acceptance.
  • The pages that were revealed to Hazrat Ibrahim ‘Alaihis Salaam were revealed on the 1 of this month.
  • The Old Testament (Taurah) was revealed on the 6th of this month.
  • The Bible (Injeel) was revealed on the 13th of this month.
  • The Holy Qur’an was revealed on the 24th of this month.
  • The Leader of the Ladies of Paradise, Hazrat Sayyedah Fatimah Zahra Radiallaho Taala Anha passed away on the 3rd of this month,
  • Mother of Believers, Hazrat ‘Aisha Siddiqua Radiallaho Ta’ala “Anha passed away on the 17th of this month.
  • The Battle of Badr took place on the 17th of this month.
  • The Conquest of Makkah happened on the 20th of this month.
  • The Lion of Allah Ta’ala, Hazrat Ali Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhu was martyred on the 21st of this month

Excellence of Ramadan ul Mubarak

Doors of Paradise are Opened in the month of Ramadan.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiallaho Taala ‘Anhu narrates that Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “When the month of Ramadan arrives, the doors of Paradise are opened.” (Bukhari Shareef)

Month of Ramadan & Mercy of the Merciful One
Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “Every evening at Iftaar time in the month of Ramadan, Allah Taala frees 100,000 such people from the fire of Hell upon whom Hell is compulsory (Wajib). On the final night of Ramadan, the number of people freed is the same as the number that have been freed in all the previous nights of Ramadan combined.”

Satan is Imprisoned

Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhu narrates that Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “When the month of Ramadan arrives, the doors of the Heavens are opened, the doors of Hell are closed, and the devils (Shayateen) are imprisoned.” (Bukhari Shareef Page 255) M
My Beloved Prophet’s صلى الله عليه وسلم beloved devotees! The above mentioned Hadith also states that the Satans are imprisoned in the month of Ramadan. This raises the question that if they are imprisoned in this month, then why do people commit sins in the month of Ramadan? There have been many answers given to this of Ramadan? There have been many answ question:

  1. The biggest Satans are imprisoned whilst the smaller ones are left to roam, which causes people to commit sins. It states in another Hadith that, “The rebellious and largest Satans are imprisoned.”
  2. There is an external Satan who misguides as well as an internal Satan who misguides (which is called ‘one’s spirit’ (Hamzaad)

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My Beloved Prophet’s صلى الله عليه وسلم beloved followers! It is my good fortune that I am today attempting to write a few words about the month of Ramadan, which is one of the greatest Favours that we have received from Allah Taala, so that we can benefit and become wealthy with the blessings of this exalted month, and when we are asked about this Favour on the Day of Judgement, we can be deserving of the intercession of the Fasts of this blessed month.
Let us begin by attempting to understand the name and meaning of the month of Ramadan so that we can become aware of the aims of this blessed month.

Reason for the Name Ramadan / Ramzan

‘Ramadan’ is from the root ‘Ramadan’, which means ‘to burn’. Commentators have stated some reasons for this month being given the name ‘Ramadan’:

  1. It is called ‘Ramadan’ because, as a result of hunger and thirst in this month, the body becomes weak and burns.
  2. Fasting burns and destroys sins.
  3. When it was time for this month to be named, it was extremely hot and that is why it was called ‘Ramadan’, just as when it was time for the months of Rabi ul Awwal and Rabi uth Thaani to be named, it was spring time.
  4. ‘Ramadan’ is one of the names of Allah Ta’ala and therefore, it should not simply be called ‘Ramadan’, but the word ‘month’ should be added before it (Shehr e Ramadan) – meaning ‘Allah Ta’ala’s month’, just as it is reported: “Do not say Ramadan has come and Ramadan has departed, rather say that the month of Ramadan has arrived, the month of Ramadan has departed.”

Excellence of Ramadan Over Other Months:

The excellence of the month of Ramadan over other months is on the basis of a number of points:

  • It is stated in the Holy Qur’an that there are 12 months in a year, and it is also stated that four of these months are holy months. However, only the month of Ramadan is specifically mentioned by name in the Holy Qur’an, no other month is mentioned by its name. Allah Taala states, “The month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an was sent down…” (Surah Baqarah, Verse 185)
  • The Holy Qur’an was revealed in the blessed month of Ramadan, as the aforementioned verse states.
  • The Night of Power (Shab e Qadr) is in this month; worship in this night is better than the worship of 1000 months.
  • In other months, there are specific times stipulated for worship, but in this month, every second of every day is considered worship for those who are Fasting.
  • The rewards for good deeds are multiplied from 10 to 700 times more in this month.
  • Voluntary worships (Nafl) are rewarded like compulsory (Fardh) worships, and compulsory worships are rewarded the same as 70 compulsory worships.
  • Allah Ta’ala pays special attention towards His slaves in this month.
  • The doors of Paradise are opened in this month.
  • The doors of Hell are closed.
  • The doors of the Heavens are opened and the supplications of the slaves are easily able to reach the door of Acceptance.
  • The pages that were revealed to Hazrat Ibrahim ‘Alaihis Salaam were revealed on the 1 of this month.
  • The Old Testament (Taurah) was revealed on the 6th of this month.
  • The Bible (Injeel) was revealed on the 13th of this month.
  • The Holy Qur’an was revealed on the 24th of this month.
  • The Leader of the Ladies of Paradise, Hazrat Sayyedah Fatimah Zahra Radiallaho Taala Anha passed away on the 3rd of this month,
  • Mother of Believers, Hazrat ‘Aisha Siddiqua Radiallaho Ta’ala “Anha passed away on the 17th of this month.
  • The Battle of Badr took place on the 17th of this month.
  • The Conquest of Makkah happened on the 20th of this month.
  • The Lion of Allah Ta’ala, Hazrat Ali Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhu was martyred on the 21st of this month

Excellence of Ramadan ul Mubarak

Doors of Paradise are Opened in the month of Ramadan.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiallaho Taala ‘Anhu narrates that Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “When the month of Ramadan arrives, the doors of Paradise are opened.” (Bukhari Shareef)

Month of Ramadan & Mercy of the Merciful One
Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “Every evening at Iftaar time in the month of Ramadan, Allah Taala frees 100,000 such people from the fire of Hell upon whom Hell is compulsory (Wajib). On the final night of Ramadan, the number of people freed is the same as the number that have been freed in all the previous nights of Ramadan combined.”

Satan is Imprisoned

Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiallaho Ta’ala ‘Anhu narrates that Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “When the month of Ramadan arrives, the doors of the Heavens are opened, the doors of Hell are closed, and the devils (Shayateen) are imprisoned.” (Bukhari Shareef Page 255) M
My Beloved Prophet’s صلى الله عليه وسلم beloved devotees! The above mentioned Hadith also states that the Satans are imprisoned in the month of Ramadan. This raises the question that if they are imprisoned in this month, then why do people commit sins in the month of Ramadan? There have been many answers given to this of Ramadan? There have been many answ question:

  1. The biggest Satans are imprisoned whilst the smaller ones are left to roam, which causes people to commit sins. It states in another Hadith that, “The rebellious and largest Satans are imprisoned.”
  2. There is an external Satan who misguides as well as an internal Satan who misguides (which is called ‘one’s spirit’ (Hamzaad)

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